Furniture/Appliance Bank Resource Form

Bridge Point serves South-Central Stark County, including; East Canton, Canton South and Sandy Valley communities. In order to receive furniture/appliances from Bridge Point, you must be a current Hope Card holder OR have a referral from another agency. You can apply for a Hope Card at

A referral agency can be a social service agency, healthcare provider, faith community, school family support specialist, or other organization. Request is for the household completing the form only and furniture/appliances may not be sold or given to another household.

You may only receive 1-2 items of furniture/appliances at a max every 12 - 18 months.

REQUEST FORM for Furniture or Appliance

Please note: Bridge Point does not have staff to deliver items on a regular basis so it is up to the requester to coordinate picking up and installing items, if received.  All items requested are "as is". They have been donated to Bridge Point by generous individuals and we cannot guarantee the functionality of any item. YOU MUST CHECK THE BOX NEXT TO THE ITEM YOU ARE REQUESTING.

Type your new text here.

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