Bridge Point's Fun in the Park
Bridge Point is excited to be bringing our Fun in the Park events back for the fourth year during the summer of 2025! These FREE events are open to the public of all ages and will provide an evening of family fun while allowing families to also receive free school supplies, take home activities, books and other resources!
More information about our next Fun in the Park events coming soon!
More information about our next Fun in the Park events coming soon!

2025 Share the Hope Gala
Bridge Point's 4th Annual "Night of Sharing Hope" Event will be held this Fall at Spring Valley Golf Course. It will be an evening of sharing stories of how Bridge Point has been able to Connect People with Hope throughout the year thanks to our generous sponsors, donors and volunteers. We will also share how we hope to grow and serve in even more ways in the future. We would not be able to help others in all the ways that we do without the assistance of so many community members coming together and we can't wait for the opportunity to share an evening celebrating those that make it all happen!
Tickets are on sale this summer!
Tickets are on sale this summer!